Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Chris Hartgerink
Author Chris Hartgerink

I want to recommit to writing, to recommit to actively and publicly think about what is happening. I want to recommit to the idea that thoughts are dynamic and never settled — that thinking in public helps move away from sharing only finalized arguments. Thoughts are produced and reproduced through the conversations we have, be it directly on the phone or indirectly through writing and reading.

Published in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

The dynamic footer of my website has been powered by a little aggregation of some of my personal data for about 5 1/2 years by now. Until recently, all the data related to my activity and physiology (steps, heart rate, sleep, body) came from an Oura Ring.

Published in Lucidarios

Retomando el hilo de la entrada anterior, en esta entrada explicaré cómo funcionan los botones función «+L[acuna]/A[bsentia]», «+F[olio]» y «Export wit[ness]» de ChrysoCollate. El primero es un botón bastante útil porque permite marcar errores por omisión: lagunas textuales y pasajes ausentes en un testimonio en el documento que se está colacionando.

Published in Upstream
Author Joanna Ball

Lars Bjørnshauge is the visionary founder of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). His transformation of a simple idea into a globally trusted directory revolutionized the accessibility and credibility of open access publishing. Under his leadership, DOAJ became a critical resource, supporting the dissemination of scholarly work worldwide and setting high standards for transparency in publishing.

Published in quantixed

Previously, I took advantage of a dataset that linked preprints to their published counterparts to look at the fraction of papers in a journal that are preprinted. This linkage can be used to answer other interesting questions. Such as: when do authors preprint their papers relative to submission? And does this differ by journal? There’s a bit of preamble. If you just want to know the answer, click here.