Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in chem-bla-ics

Publishing grant proposal is still not very common. The proposal published in Research Ideas and Outcomes) (doi:10.3897/rio.10.e124884) for the NWO Open Science grant for the CDK is, however, not the first and hopefully not the last. Interestingly, it is already cited in (the German) Wikipedia. It is used there to support a statement which tools use the Chemistry Development Kit.

Published in chem-bla-ics

We recently got awarded our second NWO Open Science grant (OSF23.2.097), this time for the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK). “We” here is me and Alyanne de Haan, René van der Ploeg, and Marc Teunis from Hogeschool Utrecht. The proposal has been submitted for public dissemination in RIO Journal, like we did with the first NWO Open Science grant.

Published in chem-bla-ics

OpenSource, OpenData and OpenStandards are not as strong in chemoinformatics as they are in bioinformatcs, where it is common knowledge that sharing is a good. Today, the JCIM published on the web an article about the Blue Obelisk movement, which promotes these three idealogies. Several open source projects participate, amongst which the CDK, Jmol, JOELib, OpenBabel, Chemical Markup Language, Bioclipse and Kalzium.

Published in chem-bla-ics

Gemma Holiday’s article on CMLReact was published in the january issue of the JCIM (doi:10.1021/ci0502698), which seems to be marked as sample issue right now. She used CMLReact as data format for MACiE (see doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti693), a database of 100 enzyme reactions, with fully annotated reaction mechanisms, making this an remarkable and insightfull database.

Published in chem-bla-ics

This weekend I continued my work on getting the CDK and Jmol run with free, open source JVMs. Really, a lot works fine, as reported earlier in this blog: JChemPaint works and Jmol almost works (see the Classpath’s FreeSwingTestApps wiki page), and well over 95% of the CDK JUnit tests run without trouble too. So it comes down to identifying what does not run properly, and file bugs for this. For example, 26101 and 26108.

Published in chem-bla-ics

Because I am still looking forward to testing CDK against the latest Classpath 0.20, I downloaded cacao 0.94-1 for Debian sid, then tried to compile CDK with it: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/cacao ant -Dbuild.compiler=gcj clean test-all But that hangs at some point with zero load. I have no idea what is going on there.

Published in chem-bla-ics

Free at last! Well, not quite yet, but close enough anyway: my PhD contract has ended; last friday was my last working day, which my collegues and I celebrated with a visit to Nijmegen oldest bar, In de Blauwe Hand . But I still have my manuscript to finish. This formally ends a period of almost 12.5 years at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Starting last monday I’m at home, trying to get things finished as soon as possible.

Published in chem-bla-ics

While waiting for a Dragon calculation to finish (it does not work for molecules with more than 300 atoms!), I updated CDK’s build.xml to support gjdoc. The build script is now able to compile the custom doclets we use for creating the src/*.javafiles and others from the Java source files. And using gij I could also run CDK’s 1688 JUnit tests!

Published in chem-bla-ics

One of the Classpath developers pointed me to their CVS statistics when I asked them how actively their project is currently developed, i.e. the number of active developers. The pages are generated with StatCVS, and I ran it one the CDK too. I knew I did a lot of work on the CDK, but never realized that 62.7% of the commits were mine! Keep in mind, though, that a lot of these commits are for code maintainance!

Published in chem-bla-ics

For some weeks now I have been thinking about bug 1309731: “ModelBuilder3D overwrites Atom IDs”. The ModelBuilder3D is a complex piece of source code, reusing many other parts of the CDK, including atom type perception. Somewhere in October, however, I found that Taverna could not create 3D models and convert these into reasonable CML because the Atom ID’s were messed up. So the question is, where did the ModelBuilder3D do this?